For around four seasons, Joseph “Joe” Teti was the face of the reality TV series, Dual Survival. He assumed the mantle of a host at the start of the third season. Teti replaced Dave Canterbury as the host and ticked all...
Grady Powell seemingly got the worst end of the stick during his time at the reality survival series, Dual Survival. The army veteran succeeded Joseph Teti in the series and was the first true Army veteran to get into the series...
When the ratings for Dual Survival took a nosedive, the Discovery network decided to change the hosts of the series. In their defense, the strategy had worked in the past seasons. But instead of looking for new stars, the network plucked...
Jeff Zausch is a survivalist, adventurer, and TV personality who has appeared on several seasons of the Discovery Channel’s reality series Naked and Afraid and its spin-offs. A survival expert Jeff is a huge fan of the outdoors and known for...
Cody Lundin is not your typical survival expert. He is a man who lives by his own rules, his own philosophy, and his own passion. He is a man who has dedicated his life to teaching others how to survive and...
For a brief time, Matt Graham shared lovely on-screen chemistry with Joseph Teti. A hardcore survivalist, Graham feature as the survivalist in the reality TV series, Dual Survival. While the series has received its fair share of criticism, it was discovery’s...
Dave Canterbury is the first cast member of the reality survival series, Dual Survival. When plans were drawn for Dual Survival, the producers wanted to pair up a wildlife expert with a former military man. For this, the producers would seemingly...