Brandon Sheets was not just the son of Darrell Sheets, the notorious “The Gambler” of Storage Wars, but also his loyal sidekick and apprentice. Together, they made a splash in the first season of the hit reality TV series, where they...
There is a reason why they call Dave Hester ‘The Moghul’. The man is one of the most knowledgeable people when it comes to antiques and collections. One of the stars of the reality TV series Storage Wars, Hester has been...
Two of the later addition, Shana Dahan and Edwina Registre joined the cast of Storage Warson during the 11th season of the show. While Edwina was the one driving the bargain, Shana showed an excellent eye for the vintage. These ‘Vegas...
Emily Wears is not just another pretty face on the auctioneer stand block. One of the youngest auctioneers in the business, Emily, is not afraid to square up with the veterans. She has been auctioning since 17 years of age and...
The queen of the junk-yard Mary Padian has an innate eye for treasure. An eccentric and free-spirited treasure hunter, Mary is ready to dive-in in anything if she sees the potential for treasure. From dumpster diving to hunting for treasures in...
Barry Weiss doesn’t seem to care much for the auction. A collector by trade, Barry is big on collecting antiques. Since the age of 15, Barry has made a name for himself as an antique collector and has followed his passion...
For the better part of their career, Jarrod Schulz and Brandi Passante came in a pair. The couple rose to fame together as a part of the reality TV series, Storage Wars. So much so, that the couple was cast as...
Ursula Stolf has an innate knack for finding knock-out prizes in her storages, which is why she goes by the nickname, The Knock Out. A part of the Canadian reality TV series Storage Wars: Canada, Ursula has been a regular cast...
Nabila Haniss’s time on storage wars has been eventful, to say the least. The buyer has been involved in a couple of high-profile cases which also involved Paris Hilton and the Military but on different accounts. Even though Nabila was one...
The Bargain hunters, Casey Nezhoda and Rene Nezhoda, always drive a hard bargain. A part of the reality TV series Storage Wars, the Nezhoda couple, are amongst some of the big players in the game. The pair are perfectly matched, with...