David Baker is a man of many talents and passions. He is a swordsmith, a historian, a researcher, and an artist. He has spent decades mastering the craft of making some of the world’s rarest and most exquisite edged weapons, from...
Doug Marcaida is a man of many talents and skills. He is a martial artist, edged weapons specialist, and knife designer who has made a name for himself in the world of blades. He is also a TV judge on the...
J. Neilson is so good at what he does that he has a title that is held by less than 115 people around the world. An expert bladesmith, J. Neilson is one of the best all-around bladesmiths in the world. In...
As the old saying goes, you first need to be a master on the subject to judge the quality of work. And while you might doubt if there is a saying like that, what you cannot doubt is the skill of...
There is something so satisfying about forging a blade from scratch that the entire process can be an ASMR video. From the melting of the iron to the welding and molding, forging a blade can be considered one of the coolest...
Win once, and many will think it was a fluke, but win twice, and no one will ever doubt your mastery. That’s exactly what Ben Abbott did. An expert swordsmith, Ben bagged the prize of the reality TV series Forged in...