Rebecca King Crews is an American actress, singer, songwriter, and producer who is best known for her appearance and production of the reality TV show The Family Crews, which follows the life of her family with her husband Terry Crews, a...
A self-proclaimed vampiress, LeeAnna rose to fame following her appearances in Ghosted, Pool Party Massacre, Con Man, SyFy’s Cosplay Melee, Frightfully fun show for all ages, and The Fiends – Best Fiends Forever. While LeeAnna is given credit for several of...
At a glance, the lives of celebrity partners are something to be envied. Especially, if your partner is a well-known celebrity. Alongside the A-list actors in Hollywood, professional sports players bring in a huge sum of money. But unlike what many...
Not everyone in the Chapman household family loves drama. Which is surprising considering the recent turn of events. The family seems to be divided after Duane’s alleged affair with Moon Angell. While his eldest son Duane Lee Chapman was already estranged...
A former country musician and television personality, Dave Wilson found both fame and wealth in the realtor industry alongside his former wife Kortney Wilson. The pair toured around the states flipping houses. They both got into the flipping industry in 2006...
In the face of the adversity of nature, it is hard to raise livestock especially when different wild animals keep lurking time and again. In such a situation, everyone deserves a “Houndsman” like rich Lewis who is a veteran Lion hunter...
Even though living away from the modern world, isn’t as adventurous as it sounds it does have its own benefits. And while living in the forest or snowy lands are some probable options, the mountains seem to be the most interesting...
History Channel show “Mountain Men” has made us familiar with some daring people living in remote mountain terrains of the United States. We have “Houndsman of Ruby Valley” Rich Lewis, who is a great Lion hunter and then we have the more...
Imagine being stranded for long hours or several days in the freezing snow hoping an animal will set foot on the trapline, not easy, right? Marty Meierotto is a man who lives on the edge of civilization and as a trapper,...
If you think hunting alligators is a man’s game, think again. Meet Ashley Jones, the fearless female hunter who has been making waves on the History Channel’s Swamp People. Ashley, or “Deadeye” as she is known for her impeccable shot, is...