Ashely Selden is an American TV personality who rose to fame after appearing on the Discovery channel show “The Last Alaskans.” Unlike ordinary people, Ashley and her husband Tyler Selden are old schools who seek pleasure in a primitive lifestyle in the...
Everybody in the state of Alaska is acquainted with the Korth family. A family of five living in the farthest end of Alaska. Krin Nelson is the youngest daughter of the Korth household. Her parents, Heimo and Edna Horth rose to...
Heimo Korth likes living life the hard way. The man has chosen to stay away from the advancements of modern life and spend his life in the wilderness. One of the few remaining outdoorsmen, Heimo strives to be self-reliant. He and...
Charlie Jagow is a young man who lives a life that most people can only dream of. He is one of the stars of the reality TV show The Last Alaskans, which follows the lives of a few families who reside...
When the US government banned human occupation in the Alaskan refuge, the people were forced to make a decision. To either leave the refuse and relocate or move to cabins. While many chose to head away in search of better opportunities,...
Bob Harte was a man who lived on the edge of the world, in the Arctic National Refuge of Alaska. He was a legend among the few who knew him, a pioneer of the wilderness, and a survivor of many perils....
The Selden family is one of the newer generations who have ventured into Alaska in search of an off-the-grid lifestyle. The pair met while attending college and wanted to succeed in the corporate world. But as fate would have it, Ashley...