Dorien Edgar is a reality star who appears on the popular History Channel show Swamp People, which follows the lives of alligator hunters in Louisiana. Dorien is the son of Dwaine Edgar and the grandson of Daniel Edgar, who are both...
Dwaine Edgar was passionate baseball player. He dreamed of becoming a star pitcher for the New York Yankees, and he worked hard to make it happen. He was drafted by the Yankees in 1994 where he played for their minor league...
Anna Ribbeck is not your typical swamp girl. She is a social media strategist, a horticultural scientist, and a reality TV star. But above all, she is an archer and a hunter who can take down the biggest and meanest gators...
Timmy Aucoin is not your average swamp man. He is one of the stars of the hit show Swamp People on The HISTORY Channel, where he shows his skills and courage in wrangling some of the biggest and meanest gators in...
He was born into a family of swamp legends, but he never let that pressure get to him. Joey Edgar is a man who knows how to live off the land, hunt alligators, and run a successful seafood business. He is...
Leron Jones is more than just a swamp person. He is a boat captain, a chef, and a reality TV star. He hunts alligators with his cousin Porkchop in the Louisiana bayou, and serves up mouth-watering dishes from his food truck....
He goes by the name of Porkchop, but don’t let that fool you. He is not a piece of meat to be trifled with. He is a sixth-generation gator hunter, who learned the art of swamp survival from his grandfather. He...
He was born with a name that belied his destiny. William IV Edwards, or Little Willie as he is affectionately called, is anything but little when it comes to hunting alligators in the swamps of Louisiana. Following in the footsteps of...
If you think hunting alligators is a man’s game, think again. Meet Ashley Jones, the fearless female hunter who has been making waves on the History Channel’s Swamp People. Ashley, or “Deadeye” as she is known for her impeccable shot, is...
Zak Catchem is not your ordinary fisherman. He is a master of the art of catching exotic and rare fish, from the giant arapaima in the Amazon to the elusive coelacanth in the Indian Ocean. He travels the world with his...