Hot and Sensuous Olivia Black is widely recognized for her part in the history channel reality show “Pawn Stars.” The show follows the work at Gold and Silver Pawn Shop in Las Vegas, Nevada as its staff interact with customers who...
Many of us enjoy watching survival shows on our big television sets, wrapped in cozy blankets. We feel like we are exploring nature, but without the risks of wild animals or freezing temperatures. We also share the thrill when our favorite...
Pablo Escobar was tracked down and shot dead by Colombian authorities on December 2, 1993, in Madelin, Colombia. He ran drug organization Medline Cartel during 70’s, and 80 ’s and earned the billions of fortune from the drug smuggling. Cartel supplied about...
Roman Reigns has stepped down from wrestling amid the health scare. Four-time WWE world champion is diagnosed with Leukemia. Back in 2008 at the age of 22, he was first diagnosed and received treatment. It was successful as well with leukemia...
Parker Schnabel is a gold miner who is best known for periodically featuring on Gold Rush, a successful reality TV show on Discovery Chanel. Through the show, we get to see this young men’s gold adventure as he takes on the challenge...