Kelly Family [Bering Sea Gold]: Brad Kelly, Kris and Andy Kelly.
The Kelly family is one of the most prominent and controversial families on the Discovery Channel’s reality show Bering Sea Gold. The show follows several crews of gold dredgers who brave the frigid waters of the Bering Sea in search of the precious metal. The Kellys are known for their family drama, their unconventional methods, and their relentless pursuit of gold. The Kelly Family shares a complicated family history. From Brad stealing gold from his sons to the feud between Brad and Wendy, the family is not short of drama. But like them or not, the Kelly family is a central part of the reality TV series, Bering Sea Gold. The troubled family has been around since the second season and is keeping at it. But for all their internal troubles, the family has found success in gold dredging. Especially Brad, who has a massive net worth amounting to millions of dollars. In this article, we will take a closer look at the Kelly Family.
Who are the Kellys?
The Kelly family consists of Brad Kelly, the patriarch and co-owner of Reaper Mining, and his two sons Kris and Andy, who are also divers and co-owners of the Reaper. Brad is a veteran gold miner who has been dredging for over 40 years. He is also a father of more than two children, but only Kris and Andy work with him on the show. Brad’s ex-wife Wendy, who lives in Hawaii, has also been featured on the show, but she has a strained relationship with Brad and their sons.

The Patriarch: Brad Kelly
Brad Kelly sets the family in motion. He brought his sons to Alaska some 15 years ago, in hopes of finding wealth and having an easy life. But on the complete contrary, the family is still struggling. Brad seemingly has a nasty feud with his ex-wife Wendy who has been featured in the show quite a few numbers of times. This was visible during the ice season in season 7 in 2016, Brad faced off with his ex-wife Wendy. Wendy, who had come at the bequest of her son Kris, fled to Hawaii after the confrontation.
In February 2022, Brad Kelly was arrested for a brutal domestic violence case. He beat up a woman with whom he shares a child, causing her life-threatening injuries. He pled guilty to felony assault and was sentenced to four years in prison, with three years suspended. He could be released after eight months if he behaves well in jail.
The Boys: Kris and Andy Kelly
Kris and Andy Kelly are the sons of Brad Kelly and Wendy Kelly. The two moved to Alaska with their father and are loyal to a fault. Of the two brothers, Andy is more level-headed and sees things for what they are. He is the most imposing of the Kelly offspring and is Kelly’s premier diver and prospector. While Andy is loyal to his father, he sided with his mother in the decades-long family squabble.

Of the two brothers, Kris is the one who struggles with the ongoing family feud. His semi-meltdowns are documented in the show and it was Kris who invited Wendy to Nome. If Andy is the premier diver, then Kris is the ship’s captain. Deep down, all Kris wants is to be a successful miner. But unfortunately for him, Kris is plagued by shoddy machinery and emotional meltdowns. But above all that, Kris feels he is seriously impaired by his father and brother, who he feels are more trouble than help. The captain of The Reaper, Kris is at the end of the line and desperately needs to prove that he is not just the emotional brother.
The Family Drama
Things escalated in the Kelly family when Brad stole gold from his sons. This was back in 2015 when his girlfriend Courtney had given birth. The gold was valued at more than $13,000. When asked about it, Brad justified that he deserved the gold for raising his kids. He also inserted dish soap in his son’s mask, so that they would not go diving that day. This allowed Brad to go back home and meet his baby. When Andy found out about stealing, he decided to quit the family business. But he later returned to help out Kris when he was handed the position of captain.
Challenges and Achievements
The Kellys have faced many challenges and setbacks in their quest for gold. They have struggled with equipment failures, weather conditions, legal issues, competition from other crews, and personal conflicts. They have also had to deal with the consequences of their own actions, such as stealing gold from each other, sabotaging each other’s equipment, or fighting with each other physically or verbally.
Despite their difficulties, the Kellys have also had some successes and breakthroughs. They have found some impressive nuggets and paystreaks over the years, earning them thousands of dollars in profits. They have also improved their skills and techniques, learning from their mistakes and experimenting with new methods. They have also tried to mend their family bonds, reaching out to Wendy and their other siblings, or apologizing to each other for their wrongdoings.
Personality and and Relationships
The Kellys are a complex and diverse family, each with their own personality and perspective. Brad is the leader and the boss of the family, who is confident, stubborn, and ambitious. He is also protective of his sons, but sometimes harsh and demanding with them. He has a love-hate relationship with Wendy, who he blames for breaking up their family.
Kris is the more emotional and sensitive son, who is loyal, optimistic, and compassionate. He is also adventurous and creative, always looking for new ways to find gold. He is close to his father, but sometimes feels overshadowed by him. He has a good relationship with his brother Andy, but they often disagree on how to run their dredge. He also loves his mother Wendy, who he tried to reunite with his father.
Andy is the more rational and pragmatic son, who is smart, cautious, and independent. He is also competitive and assertive, always trying to prove himself to his father. He has a tense relationship with Brad, who he thinks is too controlling and reckless. He respects his brother Kris, but sometimes thinks he is too naive and emotional. He also cares for his mother Wendy, who he supports in her feud with Brad.
Goals and Dreams
The Kellys share a common goal: to find as much gold as possible in the Bering Sea. They are driven by different motives: Brad wants to secure his legacy and provide for his family; Kris wants to fulfill his father’s expectations and make him proud; Andy wants to establish his own identity and independence from his father. They also have different dreams: Brad wants to retire comfortably and peacefully; Kris wants to travel the world and explore new places; Andy wants to start his own business and be successful.
Strengths and Weaknesses
The Kellys have many strengths that make them formidable gold dredgers. They have experience and knowledge of the sea and its secrets; they have courage and determination to face any challenge or risk; they have innovation and resourcefulness to overcome any obstacle or problem; they have passion and enthusiasm for what they do; they have loyalty and love for each other.
The Kellys also have many weaknesses that hinder their progress and performance. They have pride and ego that prevent them from admitting their faults or asking for help; they have greed and envy that make them steal from each other or sabotage each other’s efforts; they have anger and resentment that make them fight with each other or hold grudges against each other; they have fear and doubt that make them hesitate or give up; they have dysfunction and division that make them work against each other instead of with each other.
Brad needs to pay him back and apologize. No sole.