Stardom runs in the Holmes family. The high-profile family which originates from Toronto, Canada, has been around the reality TV scene for decades. The patriarch of the family Mike Holmes set this trend with his hit show Holmes on Homes. Mike...
Mike Holmes is not just a contractor, but a crusader for quality and safety in the home improvement industry. He is a television host, author, philanthropist, and advocate for skilled trades and building standards. He has been called âan extraordinary craftspersonâ and...
As the television series “Holmes on Homes” gathered steam, so did its cast members. The most notable of them is Mike Holmes. Mike who is the poster guy for the series is a Canadian builder/contractor, businessman, investor, and television host. In...
For all the quotes on following your passion, there are very few people who do it. Sherry Holmes is one of those few people who has made a career out of a thing she loves. The reality star is against the...